UCSD – Gathering At Governor’s Office

UCSD students are heading from Balboa Park to Gov’s Office, we have reports that at least 4 buses have been moblizied (with around 45 people each, 200 people total) with many people carpooling.

They will be joining SDSU, SD Community Colleges, and SD k-12 people at the Governor’s Office, which promises to be a huge rally!  UCSD is definitely one of the sources of the action currently.

UCSD Pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlepuppydog/sets/72157623431633789/

UPDATE: RT @ashkini: San diego march now heading west on broadway. Its so big its impossible to see where it ends. Thousands. #Ucsd #march4 (via @justiceUCSD)

UPDATE: RT @SocialistViews: San diego march now on broadway and 3rd. We have taken over the center of the city. #ucsd #march4 RT @JusticeUCSD

wooowwww craziness!

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